Approach & Process
I strive to promote the individuality and generativity of others in a safe environment. Meeting for several consultations is most useful so that you get a sense of the therapy, how I work and how you would feel working together. Fees are discussed in the first meeting.
I work through a sustained empathic inquiry so that the sensitive issues you bring to the therapy can be talked about in as many ways as possible in an environment of safety and without judgment.
As we talk together about that which deems a sense of incoherence from your point of view, I actively listen to you, to what you say and, no less importantly to what you don’t say. I understand emotional difficulties and behaviour’s as communications so I may draw on different therapeutic modalities based on how you cope with problems.
The potential for understanding what is most sensitive and painful can begin to be understood when difficulties that emerge are further defined and explored. This alone can be therapeutic. Only when it is safe enough, and this takes careful consideration on my part, does the therapeutic relationship become integral to the therapy. What becomes meaningful is dealt with in the therapy and it is ‘that life’ with all of its complexity that makes it possible to understand yourself in a deeper way.
As a collaborator to your healing my additional role is to protect your identity and guarantee your full confidentiality and all information relating to your treatment.
The Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (PDF) – Jonathan Shedler.