
About Psychotherapy

Painful and stressful emotional difficulties tend to be developmental in nature. Attempts to push away the intolerable and difficult is sometimes not always, out of consciousness, yet too, may seem un-negotiable keeping the past in the present with feelings of being repetitively stuck. Knowing how your history affects the many ways you relate to yourself and others and, through understanding how you cope with difficulties through the lens of a psychodynamic process can bear intelligible insight generating growth for a life time.

For those individuals who feel that such difficulties have not been remedied through less intense therapies an in-depth approach can glean a deeper awareness through the therapeutic use of the unconscious and the conscious. It is when the very unique emotional struggles are deeply heard and understood through a different kind of talking together, that emotional pain can be made sense of in an indepth psychotherapy. Only those clinicians with training from a psychoanalytic institute can do this. Most people I have treated gained in personal outcome.

Knowing the type of therapy, you are in is important and well worth knowing about for a good enough fit to sustain what is most meaningful for you.

It does take courage, time, cost and a willingness to seriously heal from emotional problems. Many people with successful outcomes most often described their experience as feeling free with increased overall vitality and well-being.